Security is a Process, Not a Product

Security Needs to Meet Experience, CLICK+ is one place for all security solutions. You need a partner who specializes in cybersecurity to collaborate and create your custom solution and one that can grow with you and pivot when things change. No matter where you are in your program, we can help even if you don’t know where to start. We do redefine security needs, assess and take a programmatic approach to solving your security needs, considering all security concerns, such as business strategy and planning, monitoring and operations, defenses and controls,  technology acquisition, and even training. Conquer your most pressing information security issues. Our advanced research and extensive hands-on experience have allowed us to create comprehensive solutions that target your specific needs.

Alerting today for Better Tomorrow




Security Services

Define your strategy, identify threats and risks, deploy the right technologies, and ensure operational readiness. Our complete portfolio of cybersecurity services is here to get you started. Our technology partners and our methodology provides actionable steps to secure systems more effectively and provide recommendations to improve compliance with a wide variety of regulatory frameworks.

Security Technology 

Achieve security program excellence—ensuring an optimized and efficient security posture aligned to your business needs with our  Integration and Innovation services. We bring together siloed security technologies and processes to help you maximize the investments you’ve already made. Consolidate duplicative technologies and put the right security controls in place, to shift your focus and your budget to more strategic and innovative security projects.



Security Operation

One size fits all isn’t your answer – it creates gaps. Bring us your Security Operations challenges. We’ll help you become more proactive, eliminate redundant technologies, streamline inefficient processes, and fill your skill gaps. We can assess, help prioritize, recommend solutions, and manage it (if you’d like). And we’ll also give you the confidence in your program to evolve it as your needs change.

Identity and Data Management

Protect your vulnerable, prolific data. It’s a critical asset, and today it resides in more places across a dynamic, distributed, and hybrid infrastructure, and it is accessed by more people, in more ways, and on more devices than ever. Combine this with digital transformation, and you see a shift toward Identity and Data Management (IDM) from Identity and Access Management (IAM). While IAM is critical to an overall security strategy, IDM is gaining attention because of increased cloud adoption and the rapid growth of unstructured data and the lack of data classification and ownership. Aim for an integrated strategy to leverage existing investments in migrating your organization to a more strategic IDM footing.

Threat Management

Security threats come from everywhere these days network connections, apps, web sites, social media, email, and more. Your people use digital tools and services they prefer to be productive. The downside: this makes it hard to detect and manage threats across this ever-changing environment. So, how can you effectively manage increasing threats to your business? Start by taking a new perspective on traditional threat management.

Risk Management and Transformation

Risk Management initiatives are forging new cybersecurity frontiers, requiring stronger resilience in people, processes, and technology along with new, risk-based business strategies. Data and technology are exploding throughout corporate networks and threat actors are using increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit the chaos. To adapt, you need to continually monitor and manage security risks in tune with business needs.





CLICK+ is pleased to announce that we have qualified for the IT Security Product and Service by Dedicated Team with Ontime response.


  • End-Point Security
  • Next-Gen Firewalls
  • Web Application Firewalls
  • Firewall Policy Management
  • HIDP / NIDP Next-Gen
  • Security Web Gateway
  • Email Security
  • CASB – Cloud Access Security Broker
  • Cloud Data Protection
  • Access Management
  • Data Leak/Loss Prevention
  • Enterprise Vulnerability Assessment
  • Penetration Testing
  • V-CISO
  • Security Enterprise Governance
  • Security Risk Management
  • Security Audit Services
  • Security Threat Intelligence
  • SIEM / Security Operative Center
  • END to END Encryption
  • DDOS Detection and Protection


The Moments of Securing Values 

Protection is our business, let us know what you need, and we will have a CLICK+ professional contact you shortly. We are committed to protecting you.